Tova Ganzel, Destruction and Restoration in the Seer’s Prophecy: Studies in the Prophecies of Ezekiel. Alon Shvut: Tevunot-Herzog, 2012 [Hebrew]
- Tova Ganzel, Ezekiel: From Destruction to Restoration. Jerusalem: Maggid, 2020. (Expanded version of the Hebrew Destruction and Restoration)
Ezekiel’s Visionary Temple in Babylonian Context. BZAW 539. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110740844
ספרים כעורכת Books as editor
Tova Ganzel, Yehudah Brandes, and Chayuta Deutsch, eds. The Believer and the Modern Study of the Bible. Jerusalem: Beit Morasha, 2015, 2016 (second edition) [Hebrew]; In English: Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2019. (Academic, English)
Tova Ganzel and Shalom E. Holtz, eds. Contextualizing Jewish Temples: Opportunities and Challenges. Leiden: Brill Reference Library of Judaism, 2020. (232 pages) https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004444799
מאמרים ופרקים בספרים Articles and Chapters in Books
- Tova Ganzel. “The Transformation of Pentateuchal Descriptions of Idolatry.” In Transforming Visions: Transformations of Text, Tradition, and Theology in Ezekiel, edited by William A. Tooman and Michael A. Lyons, 33–49. Princeton Theological Monograph Series 127. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2009.
- Tova Ganzel. “Ha-Posek, Ha-Rav, Ve-Ha-Yoetzet.” In Rabbis and Rabbinate: The Challenge, edited by Yededia Z. Stern and Shuki Friedman, 2:611–25. Jerusalem: The Israel Democracy Institute, 2011 [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel. “‘He Who Restrains His Lips Is Wise’ (Proverbs 10:19): Is That Really True?.” In Jewish Thought and Jewish Belief (= The Goldstein-Goren Library of Jewish Thought 15), edited by Daniel J. Lasker, 129–41. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2012 [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel. “God’s Name in Ezekiel.” In Zer Rimonim: Studies in Biblical Literature and Jewish Exegesis Presented to Professor Rimon Kasher, edited by Michael Avioz, Elie Assis, and Yael Shemesh, 206–19. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013 [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel. “Ezekiel.” In The Jewish Study Bible, edited by Marc Brettler and Adele Berlin, 1033–1123. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Tova Ganzel. “Between the Prophet and His Prophecy.” In The Believer and the Modern Study of the Bible, edited by Tova Ganzel, Yehudah Brandes, and Chayuta Deutsch, 463–80. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2019. An expanded version is found in the Hebrew edition: Jerusalem: Beit Morasha, 2015, 2016 (second edition), pp. 425–38.
- Tova Ganzel and Risa Levitt-Kohen. “Ezekielʼs Prophetic Message in Light of Leviticus 26.” In The Formation of the Pentateuch: Bridging the Academic Cultures of Europe, Israel, and North America, edited by Jan C. Gertz, Bernard M. Levinson, and Dalit Rom-Shiloni, 1069–78. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.
- Tova Ganzel. “The Reworking of Ezekiel’s Temple Vision in the Temple Scroll.” In Law, Literature, and Society in Legal Texts from Qumran: Papers from the Ninth Meeting of the International Organization of Qumran Studies, Leuven 2016, edited by Jutta Jokiranta and Molly Zahn, 230–452. Leiden: Brill, 2019.
- Tova Ganzel. “Priests, Levites, and the Nasi: New Roles in Ezekiel’s Future Temple.” In The Oxford Handbook of Ezekiel, edited by Corrine L. Carvalho (online publication). New York: Oxford, 2020. 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190634513.013.8
מאמרים בכתבי עת Articles in periodicals
- Tova Ganzel. “The Purification of the People in Ezekiel: The Pentateuchal Background.” Beit Mikra 53 (2008): 47–58 [Hebrew]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23510758
- Tova Ganzel. “The Defilement and Desecration of the Temple in Ezekiel.” Biblica 89 (2008): 369–79. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42614841
- Tova Ganzel. “The Status of Functionaries in the Future Temple of Ezekiel.” Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 19 (2009): 11–25 [Hebrew]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23414235
- Tova Ganzel. “The Descriptions of the Restoration of Israel in Ezekiel.” Vetus Testamentum 60 (2010): 197–211. https://doi.org/10.1163/156853310X489098
- Tova Ganzel. “The Fast of Gedaliah: Its Continued Observance and Significance in the Restoration Period.” Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 20 (2010): 51–69 [Hebrew]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23412698
- Tova Ganzel and Deena Zimmerman. “Ethical Issues in the Use of Hormonal Intervention for Religious Concerns.” Nashim 21 (Spring 2011): 114–29. https://doi.org/10.2979/nashim.21.114
- Tova Ganzel and Deena Zimmerman. “Women as Halakhic Professionals: The Role of Yo’atzot Halakha.” Nashim 22 (Fall 2011): 162–71. https://doi.org/10.2979/nashim.22.162
- Tova Ganzel. “The Prophecies of Joel: A Bridge between Ezekiel and Haggai.” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 11 (2011): 1–22. Translated and published in Hungarian by Xaver Szabo in a volume of collection of studies on prophecy in the biblical world, 2017. DOI: 10.5508/jhs.2011.v11.a6
- 9. Tova Ganzel. “Explicit and Implicit Polemics in Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Torah Commentary.” HUCA 81 (2013): 171–91. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23509956
- Tova Ganzel. “Ezekiel’s Restoration Oracles: A Terminological Consideration.” Beit Mikra 58 (2013): 62–74 [Hebrew]. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23790478
- 11. Tova Ganzel and Shalom E. Holtz. “Ezekiel’s Temple in Babylonian Context.” Vetus Testamentum 64 (2014): 211–26. https://doi.org/10.1163/15685330-12341148
- Tova Ganzel. “Isaiah’s Critique of Shebna’s Trespass: A Reconsideration of Isa 22:15–25.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 39, no. 4 (2015): 469–87. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309089215590360
- Tova Ganzel. “A Note on the Meaning of Ḥamas in Ezekiel.” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament: An International Journal of Nordic Theology 29 (2015): 197–203. https://doi.org/10.1080/09018328.2015.1039826
- Tova Ganzel. “And the Name of the City from That Day On: ‘YHWH is There’ (Ezek. 48:35): A New Interpretation.” Vetus Testamentum 70 (2019): 1–8.
- Tova Ganzel. “‘The Rabbis Sought to Withdraw the Book of Ezekiel’: The Rabbinic Re-Authorization of the Book of Ezekiel.” Journal of Ancient Judaism 11 (2020): 1–20. https://doi:10.30965/21967954-12340009
- Tova Ganzel. “First-Month Rituals in Ezekiel’s Temple Vision: A Pentateuchal and Babylonian Comparison.” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 83, no. 3 (2021): 390–406. https://doi.org/10.1353/cbq.2021.0081
- Tova Ganzel. “Ceremonial Celebrations Outside the Temple Compound in Ezra-Nehemiah in Babylonian Ritual Context.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (December 2021): 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1177/03090892211032266
- Tova Ganzel. “Ezekiel's Nonverbal Language as Prophetic Message.” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 134, no. 2 (2022): 179–92. https://doi.org/10.1515/zaw-2022-2002
- Tova Ganzel. “The Influence of Mendelssohn’s Commentary on Qohelet on Nineteenth-century Orthodox Jewish Commentators in Eastern and Western Europe.” Hebrew Union College Annual) 2022(: 207–225. DOI: 10.15650/hebruniocollannu.92.5
- Tova Ganzel and Elie Fisher. “A Glimpse of Rabbi David Zvi Hoffmann’s Methods as a Decisor of Halakhah” [Hebrew]. Jewish Studies Internet Journal) 2022(: 22.
A https://jewish-faculty.biu.ac.il/files/jewish-faculty/shared/JSIJ22/ganzel_fischer.pdf
- Tova Ganzel and Elie Fisher. “Rabbi David Zvi Hoffmann’s position on Sesame Oil—A Diachronic Study in Light of New Sources.” Oqimta 9 (2023). [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel and Shalom E. Holtz. “Daniel 3 and 5 As Historiography.” Biblica 103/4 (2022): 525-535. DOI: 10.2143/BIB.103.4.3291466
- Tova Ganzel, “Ezra the Scribe-Priest against the Backdrop of Babylonian Temple Officials.” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 36 (2023): 1-14.
בקורת ספרים בכתבי עת Reviews of Books in periodical
Stephen L. Cook, Ezekiel 38–48. The Anchor Bible 22B. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018. In Review of Biblical Literature (2020).
John F. Evans, You Shall Know that I Am Yahweh: An Inner-Biblical Interpretation of Ezekiel’s Recognition Formula, BBRSup 25, University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, 2019. In Review of Biblical Literature (2021).
ערכים באנציקלופדיות Entries in Encyclopedias
Tova Ganzel. “Law in the Prophets.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible & Law (OEBL), editor in chief: Brent Strawn, 479–87. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Tova Ganzel. “Ezekiel.” In Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions (RDAMR), edited by Eric Orlin et al, 332. New York: Routledge, 2015.
Tova Ganzel. “Ezekiel, Book of” and “Joel.” In the Hebrew Encyclopedia (accepted for publication).
Halakhic papers
- Tova Ganzel and Deena Zimmerman. “‘Veset-Haguf’: A Halachic and Medical Approach.” Tehumin 20, edited by Uri Dasberg et al., 363–75. Jerusalem, 2000 [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel and Deena Zimmerman. “Halakhic Infertility.” Asia 85–86 (2009): 63–82 [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel, Tirza Kelman, and Deena Zimmerman. “Continuing Research on Halakhic Infertility.” Asia 91–92 (2012): 53–65 [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel and Deena Zimmerman. “Halakhic and Ethical Issues in the Use of Hormonal Intervention for Religious Concerns.” TZOHAR 39 (2016): 165–79 [Hebrew].
- Tova Ganzel. “Hatzitza in Long, Polished and Gel/Acrylic Fingernails.” Tehumin 35, edited by Israel Rozen et al., 300–311. Jerusalem, 2015 [Hebrew].