The Midrasha is Going Global!
Dr. Tova Ganzel’s Visit to New York
Midrasha Director Dr. Tova Ganzel went on a four-day visit to New York in March to personally present the Midrasha’s recent projects, diverse activities and courses the American Friends of Bar-Ilan University.
Dr. Ganzel’s host in New York was Mr. Michael Jesselson, son of Ludwig and Erica Jesselson, who 40 years ago founded the Midrasha bearing their family’s name. The family also established the Jesselson Scholarship Fund, offering scholarships to Midrasha students every year. Accompanying Dr. Ganzel in her visit from Israel Mr. Eliezer Jesselson, Chairman of the Ludwig and Erica Jesselson Institute for Advanced Torah Studies at Bar-Ilan University.
While in New York Dr. Ganzel met with Marcel Lindenbaum and family, to express BIU’s gratitude for their contribution to the auditorium in memory of Marcel’s late wife Belda. Dr. Ganzel also gave a class to Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, headed by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, and another in the home of David and Abby Doft.
Dr. Ganzel also met with the heads of the Tikvah Fund and thanked them for their continued support of the Midrasha’s Tikvah Program.
We would like to thank all of our friends who helped make this visit a success, including Judith Haimoff, BIU Vice President of External Relations, for preparing all the excellent promotional materials; Global Resource Development Operations, directed by Dr. Merav Galili with Karin Singer as acting director; and the American Friends of BIU.
The positive feedback from this short yet momentous visit attests to the Midrasha’s global and strategic importance.